Area design - Margin and Padding maximum limit

Hello guys,

I have placed a background image for the Header area using Edit Area Design but there is a maximum limit for the padding value (200) which cannot be exceeded even by typing in a higher value.

My background image has a height of 300px hence the bottom part appears cutoff and I am sure some themes might require bigger values than currently allowed. We need a way to push down successive or later content.

Note: I have overridden the value directly in my theme css but a more elegant solution through the front end would be nicer.

Where can I change the maximum limits for margins and paddings?

andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
I have added this to our issue tracker as something that we should make configuration values for – but in the meantime there's no easy way to change this beyond copying the custom_style element and changing it in HTML. Fortunately, this isn't too bad.

1. Copy concrete/elements/custom_style.php into your application/elements/ directory (make sure your overrides cache is off.)
2. Open application/elements/custom_style.php
3. Search for all instances of data-style-slider-max and change it to a higher value.

Hopefully that will do it.
martbase replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks Andrew and whole c5 team for creating such a lovely CMS.

For now my direct css override covers my use-case as we wait for the configuration option update.

jvanleeuwen replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the solution.
I needed it to place a block over another block (text over an image, in elemental theme-right side bar page), with negative margin.
Only custom_style.php wasn't enough. ( i did change the value $sliderMin from -50 to -200)
Also check in concrete/config/concrete.php.
I had to change 'size_min' within 'limits', it's somewhere around line 873!
And it works, only some minor design fault within smaller mobile device. (using concrete 5.7.2)
MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply

There is a tutorial available that describes how to set these values in your configuration file instead of overrides.

"How to set the minimum and maximum ranges of style customizer sliders in 5.7"
jvanleeuwen replied on at Permalink Reply
Both solutions worked.