Concrete Helpers

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Where are the helpers defined? I know of them only by seeing them in others code. Such as
$al = Loader::helper('concrete/asset_library'); or
$ps = Loader::helper('form/page_selector');

I would like to know what all the possible loaders are, and where they are defined at.

How do I know what functions are available on each loader? For example, with the page_selector, there is the selectPage function. But I'm currently trying to find out what kind of functions are available in the asset_library helper.

I noticed there is legacy API documentation on this. Does that documentation apply to 5.7 as well?

ob7dev replied on at Permalink Reply
So according to this:

Helpers are actually depricated, and we should use Core::make instead.
MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi ob7dev,

Here is a list of concrete5 "Core::make()" services. I believe this is all of them. The list was generated by the ExchangeCore Developer Tools add-on.
'app' instanceof Concrete\Core\Application\Application,
    'Concrete\Core\Application\Application' instanceof Concrete\Core\Application\Application,
    'Illuminate\Container\Container' instanceof Concrete\Core\Application\Application,
'authentication/community' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Authentication\Type\Community\Service\Community,
'authentication/facebook' instanceof \OAuth\OAuth2\Service\Facebook,
'authentication/google' instanceof \OAuth\OAuth2\Service\Google,
'authentication/twitter' instanceof \OAuth\OAuth1\Service\Twitter,
'cache' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Cache\Level\ObjectCache,
'cache/expensive' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Cache\Level\ExpensiveCache,
'cache/request' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Cache\Level\RequestCache,
'captcha' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Captcha\Service,
    'helper/validation/captcha' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Captcha\Service,
'Concrete\Core\Config\Repository\Repository' instanceof \config,
'Concrete\Core\Database\Driver\DriverManager' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Database\Driver\DriverManager,
'Concrete\Core\Http\Request' instanceof \Concrete\Core\Http\Request,
WillemAnchor replied on at Permalink Reply