Design & Custom Template only working in Mozilla

I'm using 5.7.4 and had the same problem that Andrew described in where the Design & Custom Template menu comes up in edit mode, but when I click on a menu item nothing happens.

I followed Andrew's tutorial and edited the page_theme.php to register assets which made it work in Mozilla, but it still doesn't work in Chrome or Opera. (doesn't work = menu comes up but links are non-functional)

I've checked developer tools in both Firefox and Chrome and am not seeing duplicate assets, ie: two bootstrap.min.js, etc... so it seems like the code is working, but I can't figure out why it's still not working in Chrome.

namespace Application\Theme\qcb2015;
class PageTheme extends \Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Theme
public function registerAssets()
    $this->providesAsset('javascript', 'bootstrap/*');
    $this->providesAsset('css', 'bootstrap/*');
    $this->providesAsset('css', 'blocks/form');
    $this->providesAsset('css', 'core/frontend/*');
    $this->requireAsset('javascript', 'jquery');
   protected $pThemeGridFrameworkHandle = 'bootstrap3';

patitude29 replied on at Permalink Reply
Uh oh, guess I forgot to update this.

The problem was that I added overflow:hidden to the unordered list style so that it would wrap around a floated image with the correct spacing. The Design & Custom Template menu needs overflow to open, so once I removed this line from the unordered list style I was able to access the menu again.