Group permissions

Hi. (sorry for bad English, use Swedish language in my Concrete5, but try my best to translate)
I have set advanced permissions.
I have made a group named Editors
Under site tree (home page), I have changed the permission for Edit properties, where I have set access for Editor. Under Details for the access, I have removed a lot of attributes and SEO settings.

The problem: When editor create a page, all rights for permissions according to seo and attributes are accessible. When editor publish the page and then open the sidepanel for attributes, seo etc, he will have access to only the details set for access under permissions for edit properties for pages.

The thing I dont understand: Since editor have full access to all settings for editing properties of the page, then it's a little bit useless to have the possibility to restrict what he can do or not if it only work after the page is published. He can manage all the settings he want during the creation prosess.

I am extremely sorry for bad English, and even worse description but I hope someone understand what I try to explain and maybe give some hints if I do something wrong.
I'm using Concrete 5 v5.7.5.6

Thanks for anyone finding time to help

WillemAnchor replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi oddhelge,

You can set permissions on page attributes.

1. go to sitemap
2. choose the page and click on permissions
3. choose edit properties
4. click the details tab

Here you can set permissions for the attributes for groups or users that have permissions set for this page.
oddhelge replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Willem.
Thanks a lot for your reply.
What you suggest is exactly what I have done.
The thing is that the group Editor also have rights to create and delete pages.
So, the problem I so badly described:
I have removed many attribute permissions for this group in the sitemap.
The ting I don’t understand:
When the Editor group CREATE a new page, all limitations I have set according to attribute permissions don’t work (all attributes accessible and usable)
AFTER the person in the Editor group save or publish the page he has created, the permissions is according to what I set in the sitemap. (when the page is saved/ published, and editor go into the attributes, it’s according to permissions settings)
Again sorry for my preschool English.
I’m really grateful for that you try to help
WillemAnchor replied on at Permalink Reply
Right now i'll go out. If not solved, I'll try to recreate the issue you described this evening.
oddhelge replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks a lot for your help.
I tried myself for a couple days because I didn’t want to bother others, but this thing I can’t solve. I really like Concrete5 and I get more and more impressed of this CMS and the community around it.

I am grateful for your help Willem,
Thanks a lot
WillemAnchor replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry to answer this late, but some things came up.

I was able to replicate the problem:

When a group member (and probably a single user as well) creates a page, it gets more permissions than it should.
Later, when editing this same page, the permissions are as they should be.

Ok, I'll do a bit of code-digging and see if I can find the problem
oddhelge replied on at Permalink Reply
Late? faster than I expected.
Fantastic that you understood what I tried to explain.

Looking forward for the result

Have a fine day there
oddhelge replied on at Permalink Reply
Just a other small issue within same area,
Although new pages are saved and later on opened for editing by a Group (and maybe single users), they can edit Meta title, Meta description and additional content in top although permission for this is removed
WillemAnchor replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok, I found this is a work in progress.

You can follow it on Github:
oddhelge replied on at Permalink Reply
Ahh, 17 December 2014?
I missed this info, ny bad.
Thanks a lot for this info Willem.
You have been really helpful and I am grateful for Your help