Of today the 5.7 is running OK in Chrome but not in FireFox and Internet Explorer

I am testing the new 5.7.0a1 and I know that all development is done on MAC. I do not own a MAC and I am not thinking of this at the moment. I am running my PC on WIndows 8.1 With FireFox 25 and Internet Explorer 11.

Is there any time frame for FireFox and Internet Explorer support of 5.7.0 We are planing to begin making some promotional video for this and I ofcource know that this is alpha version. But on the other hand to make promotional video takes some planing.

PS. I do not expect some definitively answer about this and I do not expect that you are jumping on to this issue just because I write this. It just would be nice to know if you are aware of this!

Best Regards
