White Labelling

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White Labelling used to go in config/site.php, through 5.7b. Now there is nor site.php in the config folder. Where does it go now?


okapi replied on at Permalink Reply

Remove background images:

'white_label' => array(
        'background_image' => 'none'

Hide news overlay:
'external' => array(
        'news_overlay' => false,
        'news' => false

Hope, this was what you were searching for.
garyb10 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks, That is what I was looking for. I noticed they changed the names. Is there a place in the docs I can find the rest of the old name replacements like


I do like them being put in an array now.
goesredy replied on at Permalink Reply
Create a file called
with the following contents:
return array(
    'marketplace'       => array(
        'enabled'            => false
    'external'              => array(
        'intelligent_search_help' => false,
        'news_overlay'            => false,
        'news'                    => false
webpresso replied on at Permalink Reply
Does anyone know if I can set a custom background image instead of 'none'?

This would be great!
MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply

In the upcoming 5.7.5 release of concrete5, custom login page background images can be set.

This How-To describes the process:
76West replied on at Permalink Reply
We're working through some of these white label configurations, but we're not seeing results even after clearing site cache with C5 Here's what we're picking up with from the how-to

'white_label' => array(
         'background_url' => true
         'urls' => array(
             'background_url' => 'http://www.stressdesign.com/files/5914/5347/5661/000-366_Join.me.png'
         'external' => array(
            'intelligent_search_help' => false,
                 'news_overlay' => false,
                 'news' => false
         return array(
         'marketplace' => array(
         'enabled' => false

There must be something else to do but I'm not seeing it. I appreciate your insight.
okapi replied on at Permalink Reply

The arrays should be wrapped with

return array(
// here go your desired arrays

and no comma after the last bracket of the last array.
But may you know that anyway.

My concrete.php for instance looks like that:

return array(
    'white_label' => array(
        'background_image' => 'none',
    'external' => array(
        'intelligent_search_help' => true,
        'news_overlay' => false,
        'news' => false,

In your code "return array" is not on top, but somewhere in between.
76West replied on at Permalink Reply
@okapi, great. this is just the trouble we were having. couldn't see through it from here.

We're still seeing addons show up in search even though

         'marketplace' => array(
         'enabled' => false,

Is set.

Is there a list of arrays published somewhere? I know there was a white label list for C5 5.5, but not seeing one for 5.7

The next thing we want to do is change the "name" of the CMS to be our client name.
fhinojosa replied on at Permalink Reply
Just wanted to add/answer @stressdesign ( or anyone else out there).

The full array is actualy in your files, at /concrete/config/concrete.php or here is the link to the github repo :


The file we add at the application/config is overidding options found at this file so it should contain all the options. It has great comments that make it easy to undestand what it is your doing/changing.

76West replied on at Permalink Reply
