Getting 2nd sublevel pages to show in AutoNav

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My AutoNav menu shows the top level and 1st sublevel in the pulldown menu at the top of my page but not the 2nd sublevel. Someone mentioned making changes in the block adjustments to show all, and I made all the suggested changes but that only added the 1st sublevel items to the menu not the 2nd sublevel.

I am not anything near an HTML programmer but I have made other minor changes to my template and can make adjustment if someone tells me what they are.

If anyone can tell me how to fix this I would appreciate it.

BTW, I am looking for this to pick the pages up automatically for the dropdown menu rather than creating a hard coded menu.


hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Could you provide a link to the page you are working on? It may be that the CSS for your menu is hiding the 3rd level.
ChangeCondutivity replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Hutman,

My site is

When you hover over "About" in the menu the first item in the pulldown is "Services", under "services" should be all of the different service pages.

You can see the site map at the following to see the list of service pages that should be showing:

hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
It looks like the pages aren't getting output from the Auto-Nav block as you had suspected.

Can you confirm in your block settings that you have:
Display Pages - at the top level.
Sub Pages to Display - Display all.
Sub-Page Levels - Display all.

If you do have those all selected, do you have a Custom Template on your Auto-Nav block? It could be that the Custom Template only displays 2 levels.
ChangeCondutivity replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Hutman,

Thanks for your comment...

The settings are just as you listed them and when in the Edit Auto-Nav pop-up and you select the Prieview Tab it DOES show those additional sub-levels as part of the site map tree.

I DON'T have a custom Auto-Nav block, at least not that I am aware of??? Would YOU be able to tell from your web browser by viewing the page source or using Inspect Element directly on the Nav element?

hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Unfortunately I can not tell from the browser if there is a Custom Template on your Auto-Nav block. When you are in Edit Mode if you go to Custom Template instead of Edit is there anything selected from the dropdown?
ChangeCondutivity replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Hutman,

Under Custom Template it shows as (None selected).

hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Hmm... That is extremely odd.

If you are using a purchased them, can you go into the Packages directory and open the directory for your theme. If there is a blocks->autonav->view.php could you attach it here?

If there isn't one in the Packages directory could you check the root blocks folder?

It almost seems like your block view is only allowing 2 levels of navigation.
ChangeCondutivity replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Hutman,

Following the path that you listed (packages>rigidlight(theme I am using)>blocks>autonav) I could only find one folder ("templates") and one file in that folder but it was called dropdown.php not view.php There was nothing else in the autonav folder. In case the dropdown.php file is of use I have copied in the code (I tried to attach it, but was given an error stating .php was an invalid file for attachment).

   defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die(_("Access Denied."));
   $aBlocks = $controller->generateNav();
   $c = Page::getCurrentPage();
   $containsPages = false;
   $nh = Loader::helper('navigation');
   //this will create an array of parent cIDs 
   $selectedPathCIDs=array( $inspectC->getCollectionID() );

hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
There doesn't seem to be anything in this file that would cause it to limit the number of items showing in the nav.

If you go to blocks->autonav (if there is one) is there a controller.php in there? Or a view.php?

Reading through other Forum posts about this theme it looks like somehow the theme is forcing 2 levels (somebody else was trying to get rid of the dropdowns and couldn't).