Loosing styles inside a block

Hi all,

I´m building a concrete5 site for the first time and i´m having problems with the CSS style applied to the blocks directly into the block menu (design).

I have preset a style trougth the preset menu (applying a grey background and a solid border to the block content). At first all seems correct when i choose the preset style from the menu to set it to a block (or various blocks)inside my page. After do that and when i try to move any block that´s aside the preset one the style inside the block are override by the one applied into the block moved, so i loose all the background color and borders defined into the preset.

This seems aleatory, because no mather what cain of block i move aside the one with the style, this loose the styles as soon as i click the "preview my changes" or "Publish my edits" buttons.

Then, there are something that i´m doing the wrong way applying styles trougth the CSS design menu?. Must the CSS styles for a block be set trougth the general CSS files to avoid this problems?, if so, what is the real utility of the design menu into the blocks if these presets are not respected as soon as you move or rebuild the layout of the page?

Thanks for your help.

sketchyTK replied on at Permalink Reply
I've also encountered this issue recently. When I move a block & publish the page i lose all of the design presets for any blocks on the page. When I enter edit mode again & view the design for a block, the preset is still selected, it's just not being noticed by Concrete5.

This user had a few solutions, but they had to rebuild their website on a new host.http://www.concrete5.org/community/forums/usage/moving-blocks-wipes...