Remo's Zoom Image Block

I am trying to use this block on this site i am working on

If you check it you shall notice that the Zoom image gets overlapped by the footer in the bottom and also by the thumb image on the left-side. I realize that this is an issue relating to z-index. So, I tried adding a z-index: 1000000 to the #zoomimage within the view.php file, but nothing seems to work. Below is the code
defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die(_("Access Denied."));
$version_arr = explode('.', APP_VERSION);
if ($version_arr[1] < 2) die("This block doesn't support Concrete" . APP_VERSION);
if ($version_arr[1] == 2) {
   $fo        = $controller->getAssetFileObject();
   $fileName  = $fo->getFileRelativePath();
   $thumbnail = $fo->getThumbnail(intval($controller->thumbnailWidth), intval($controller->thumbnailHeight));
else {
   $ih = Loader::helper('image');
   $fo = $controller->getFileObject();
   $fileName = $fo->getRelativePath();
   $thumbnail = $ih->getThumbnail($fo,intval($controller->thumbnailWidth), intval($controller->thumbnailHeight));

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