View only my comments.

Can anyone give me an idea of how to make my guestbook/comments only show the ones I post?
I am wanting a form of note keeping per user for Church sermon posts and it needs to only show comments by the current member logged in.
Currently it shows a list of all comments by every member that posts a comment.

<?php  defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied."); ?>
<?php  $c = Page::getCurrentPage(); ?>
<h4 class="guestBook-title"><?php echo $controller->title?></h4>
<?php  if($invalidIP) { ?>
<div class="ccm-error"><p><?php echo $invalidIP?></p></div>
<?php  } ?>
$u = User::getByUserID($userID);
if (!$dateFormat) {
   $dateFormat = t('M jS, Y');
$posts = $controller->getEntries();
$bp = $controller->getPermissionObject(); 
$dh = Loader::helper('date');
foreach($posts as $p) { ?>
