Adding a Logo to TerraFirma2

In the little orange box, how can I add a logo instead of the plain text? I don't know anything about css, ftp, or how to access them. I can figure it out though if this is the only way and people can give me some instructions. I am using Dreamhost.

frz replied on at Permalink Reply

This link should help you change the "Site Name" field at the top of
your layout:

best wishes
eastonguitarist replied on at Permalink Reply
I followed the link. I have no problem changing the site name. As far as I can tell that will only allow me to change the wording of the site name. I want to clear that entirely and use a logo instead. I figured out how to do this on the Plain Yogurt theme, but it doesnt work the same with TerraFirma2 (block editor).

It did say something about editing it in the backend... Is that what Ill have to do?
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
ah, you're correct it looks like that theme is using the sitename field from sitewide settings and not the site name block in the global scrapbook.

You'll have to get in and edit the PHP files for the theme to change that to a logo I'm afraid.
eastonguitarist replied on at Permalink Reply
How hard is this to do? Is it feasible for a beginner to do? How do I access PHP files?
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
Probably harder than I'm going to be able to explain in a forum
setting. I'd look for a local PHP guy to help & show you how... at a
high level:

FTP in to the file system
Find the theme files for terrafirma2 in your /themes directory
Get the logo image sized correctly and uploaded to a smart spot.
throw an img src tag in there
make sure its all happy.

Certainly the type of thing one of our support guys could do from a ticket here:

Also pretty easy for anyone with some basic HTML skills to pull off,
you wouldn't even need much in the way of PHP chops - just don't touch
what you don't understand.

best wishes

Franz Maruna