“Folder View” now “Flat View” in C5


I am really hoping this is a quick question to answer.

In the new version of C5 ( the “Folder View” now appears as “Flat View”. Does anyone know a quick way of making the “Folder View” re-appear? I have looked within the Dashboard area and so far no joy :-(

Many thanks in advance for any help or advice.


Rachel O’Callaghan

frz replied on at Permalink Reply
same thing, different name (since they're all pages, there's no
folders in concrete5)

What are you trying to do that you can't?

best wishes

Franz Maruna
CEO - concrete5.org
racheloc17 replied on at Permalink Reply
Dear Franz

Many thanks for your reply. I am really sorry I have not replied to your message. I thought I had put a monitor on my request (but I guess I hadn't) so it was only while I was searching on the forums this morning, that I found your response.

Since writing my original question, I have found another way to do the same thing so all is good. However, thanks again for taking the time to respond.


Rachel O'Callaghan