Cannot update properties

I have one page in particular that is throwing up an error whenever I try to change any of its properties. When I click the Save button after editing the properties, it gives an error:

<div id="ccm-logo"><img id="ccm-logo" src="/paideia/updates/concrete5.6.3.1_updater/concrete/images/logo_menu.png" width="49" height="49" alt="concrete5" title="concrete5"></div>
<div id="ccm-theme-wrapper" class="ccm-ui">
<h1>An unexpected error occurred.</h1>
<div class="ccm-error block-message alert-message error">An error occurred while processing this request.</div><p><a href="" class="btn"><Back to Home</a></p></div>

1 Attachment

hissy replied on at Permalink Reply
I got a same error. I think this is a bug. Could you post the detail to the bug tracker?
pacesinf replied on at Permalink Reply
Posted to the bug tracker. You can follow it using the attached link: