Change email sign up notification email address

Have installed an email sign up box for a customer but when somebody signs up for an email I, not the customer, recieve a notification.

I can't find anywhere to change this. It is easy on a form as the edit facility give you the option to specify a notification address but the email registration does not?

Does anybody know how to change this please?


Tony replied on at Permalink Reply
what's the email sign up box that you're using? Did you just use a form block? The mailing list package comes with a block for email subscriptions too:
igrieves replied on at Permalink Reply
Just the little block:

It's annoying as I am sure there is something very simple I do to change who geets notification email but with all these things if you cant see it it remains an issue!

Do you know how!!!

Tony replied on at Permalink Reply
sorry, I'm not familiar with that package, but each package has its own support section so you might want to open a support request there so that the author of the package can help you out.
igrieves replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks Tony, it is such a small block I didnt think it had one! I'll ask.