Community Connect Problem

Hi Everyone -

I'm new to Concrete5 and not tremendously savvy with website terminology, so please be patient with me and explain things thoroughly!

I am trying to connect to the Concrete5 community to install new themes and add-ons, but every time I try to log in I get a message that reads "Your site token must be 64 characters."

I know there's another thread similar to this one but there doesn't seem to be a satisfactory answer available.

Does anyone have any idea what a site token is, where I can locate it, and how I change it to be 64 characters? I just installed today, so I'm on whatever the most recent version of concrete5 is...

thanks for your help

ThemeGuru replied on at Permalink Reply
This error seems to be getting people...

Did you try clearing your browser cache?

Also you can always upload addons/themes via ftp clients such as: firezilla. The nice thing is all items purchased are uploaded to your /packages directory!


jennphotos replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, I cleared my browser cache, also the cache on my website - still getting the same message. I know I can use an FTP client, I would just like the ease of connecting to the community.

I'm a mac user - is it possible that there's something specific to settings on a mac that causes the problem?
bebop1065 replied on at Permalink Reply
This shouldn't be a Mac problem. The communication is from server to server, not server to client to server. I hope.

I use Macs also and have this same problem when I use Wintel or Mactel and from different locations and browsers.

I think it might be a curl issue on the hosting server but no one has responded about that assumption.
jennphotos replied on at Permalink Reply
andrew - please excuse my ignorance, i'm very new to this:

I'm not entirely sure where to find the FTP information. Can you offer any guidance?
Also, are you referring to my concrete5 username/password for use on this website, or my username/password for use on my own website? (and also, i think my FTP username/password might be different from the one i use for concrete5 on my site, as i have two domains on the same webhost. Not sure which one you need...
andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
Argh. This is a killer. It seems like 1/20 people have this and we can't figure out why. You think you might be willing to PM me your FTP information and concrete5 username/password and I can take a look on the server directly?
nteaviation replied on at Permalink Reply
How is c5 doing the transaction with the c5 servers. Using CURL?

I have seen some odd things when FTP is set active vs passive.

I also wonder if there was an update to CURL that changes a default.
andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
Ah, clarification on this problem. Going through the marketplace connect, the problem is this.

1. When you try to first connect to the marketplace, we initialize a connection to to generate a new marketplace token (which is a long series of letters and numbers.)

2. This connection requires either of the following enabled on your server:

"allow_url_fopen" - which is a setting in the config file php.ini.

or curl extensions on the server (as someone else mentioned.)

If both of these unavailable, the token will never be generated, and you won't be able to complete the connection to the server. We can't really do anything about this – but we could make the error message much more explicit letting you know what you need to have enabled. I'd talk to your hosting company and make sure that curl or allow_url_fopen is available on your server.
nteaviation replied on at Permalink Reply
@andrew: Thanks for clarifying. So c5 uses either the file stream for CURL data transfer mechanism. Does c5 throw the invalid token error when there is a connection failure even when the transfer mechanism is available?

We still don't know if it's a configuration issue or a network issue. Or do we?
nteaviation replied on at Permalink Reply
Just trying to help. Maybe a timeout is occuring on the connection. That does not make alot of sense, because your would see varying lengths of data returning and sometimes it may work.

Also if CURL is the mechanism doing the data transfer, there should be a way to dump the curl_getinfo information. Unfortunately I don't think the file stream mechanism is nearly as verbose and detailed as CURL on errors :(

Let me think onthis one a little more :)
andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
Yeah. If you look in concrete/helpers/file.php for the FileHelper::getContents() function you'll see how it works. This function is run on a web service hosted at to return an available token. Since that getcontents() function fails, no token is returned, and none is passed to the signup form.

You could edit concrete/helpers/file.php to remove the file_get_contents() block and use curl instead. You're correct, there are a number of reasons this could be failing.

1. allow_url_fopen is disabled
2. curl is disabled/not installed
3. curl is enabled but is blocked by your server
oldcabin99 replied on at Permalink Reply
Does anyone have a solution for this?

# yum list | grep curl
curl.i386 7.15.5-9.el5 installed
curl-devel.i386 7.15.5-9.el5 base

allow_url_fopen On & On

# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=52 time=12.7 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=52 time=11.2 ms
ryardley replied on at Permalink Reply
I had this same problem, but I did find a solution. Come to find out that it was my web filter causing the problem. It sees the connection to the Market Place as non standard web traffic and blocks the connection. I put in an exclusion and then it connected fine.