Content not Found in Search

When I search for the name "Toce" I am expecting this page to return as a result. It's not.

I've Indexed Search Engine - All
I've cleared the cache
Exclude from Search Index is NOT checked

The content on the page is part of a Stack. That's the only abnormality I can think of. However, I would expect content in a Stack to be indexed as well.

Can anyone help shed some light as to why my content isn't being indexed properly?


kreative replied on at Permalink Reply
Bumping this post. I need to know why my content is not being indexed. Thanks.
jagd replied on at Permalink Reply
Honestly - i noticed that on my sites, content included in stacks in also not indexed...
Looks like C5 limitation...
WebcentricLtd replied on at Permalink Reply
interesting... I checked and virtually nothing is indexed on that page (Hardly anything on that page will come up in a search). Do you have areas whitelisted or blacklisted?
WebcentricLtd replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
maybe stacks don't get indexed because stacks are actually pages themselves in the grand scheme of things: and because they don't have named areas themseleves this causes an issue. I think Jagd is right in that stacks do not get added to the search index due to a limitation in C5. If you want that content in the search engine then it just needs to be in a content block (or in the page description or meta info).
kreative replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the feedback everyone. I added some content to the Page Description and META Description and it showed up in the search. I guess it is a limitation with C5 not indexing stacked content.
EvanCooper replied on at Permalink Reply
Definitely a valid concern. I have made an issue for this for 5.7 in Github. You might hit up the bug tracker for to report it there:

The meta description solution is a savvy workaround. Hopefully that won't be necessary in the near future.
kreative replied on at Permalink Reply
Just did. Thanks.