Displaying Form Results

Is there a way to display the results of a form on my site? Just need to know who has answered and what they chose. Thanks for the help.

foiseworth replied on at Permalink Reply
Using the default form block, I don't think this is possible (correct me if I am wrong!?). However, with some php skill you could certainly create a second block to display data collect by the default form block.

If you do not want to code, from a quick search of the marketplace, I found this bundle which should fit your requirements:http://www.concrete5.org/offers/-/8uw2oesxgpfl/...

It is however relatively expensive if you just want to display a few details from a form.
thephilm replied on at Permalink Reply
Are you trying to display the results to other users viewing your website, or are you just wanting an admin area to view the results?

If an admin area - you can find that under the reports tab - in your dashboard. The first thing that will come up is the form results.

If you are looking to display the results, then you can use PHP etc. to display the results, or maybe consider using a different tool, like the guestbook instead.