Does Concrete use PEAR mail?

This host our client is using claims form mail must be authenticated and recommends PEAR mail. That's the only solution they offer with an example script otherwise, oh well, F the customer, I guess.

I looked into it a bit and it seems like C5.4.2. was using the PEAR 3rd party library but I can't find it in the latest version of C5.

CMSDeveloper replied on at Permalink Reply

There still a little bit left of the Pear library:
The new flavor is ZF (Zend Framework).
They got ZF not enabled on there server?!

No worries about all above, we use the concrete5 API now:

Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
adodb isn't a pear project..

You can configure the smtp authentication in concrete5, just open /index.php/dashboard/system/mail/method/
zoinks replied on at Permalink Reply
I saw that but I've never had to do anything before. I guess I will talk it through with support if the time comes.

PS. Thank you for pointing out that is where I can solve the problem. I would imagine this host can at least give me some SMTP settings to use. It seems they are trying to protect against spam.
zoinks replied on at Permalink Reply
Unfortunately, I have no idea how to use the API. I just found Andrew Embler's video tutorials the other day and am working through them. It is interesting to note (if I understand you) that the server *should* have Zend Framework enabled, but if not it can be fixed somehow via the API (is that right?)
andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
We use Zend SMTP to handle connecting to external SMTP servers. It handles authentication – so you might be able to sidestep this problem by getting access to an external SMTP server (like Sendgrid) to send your mail. Also, your sysadmin may just want you to connect with authentication to their SMTP server.
zoinks replied on at Permalink Reply
Awesome—thanks, Andrew!