Extend Concrete5 Permissions cascade fault

Have noticed when setting permsions on Extend Concrete 5 in Sitemap the secondary pages such as Install, Update, and themes and Addons are not restricted as they should be.

This can be seen when opening the Dashboard panel. Extend Concrete5 is visible in the top part with Install, Update Themes and Addons visible.

If I restict access at the Extend C5 level in Sitemap these sub pages can still be accessed here. They can of course be resticted individually but I feel this should not be the case?


frz replied on at Permalink Reply
you're saying the dashboard drop down doesn't honor permissions for that stripe of links in the middle?
igrieves replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Frz,

On further testing on my site it now does? Not sure what I was doing wrong but my apologies for wasting time here.

Mainio replied on at Permalink Reply
The dashboard dropdown is saved in a $_SESSION variable so, probably you logged out and logged in again for the changes to apply.

I think this is not the best approach and probably some kind of an oversight from c5 team (not sure what's behind this decision). Only gain doing that is that you get slight performance boost because you don't have to load the navigation again every time but I think this approach has more problems than gains. For example this is also problematic if you change your language on-the-fly during the same session.

You can fix this by adding this to your config/site_post.php:

Antti / Mainio
igrieves replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks Manio - I'll add it.