form content could not be loaded

Hi There
I'm wondering if anyone might know what is causing an issue I am having with my concrete 5 website.
Basically, I have a register button on my site which opens a popup form on the page.
A lot of the time (but not always) the form page fails to load. I get an error:-

The content could not be loaded

I might be wrong but is this happening because the form isn't being fetched quick enough?

hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Can you provide a link to the site?
PMorrison replied on at Permalink Reply
an example:-

the register button pops up a form using the jquery magnific popup plug in

in some cases, it doesn't load and user gets problem loading content
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
The page doesn't give that error for me but according to the Magnific Popup documentation this is the "Error message when ajax request failed"
PMorrison replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes - do u know why an ajax request would fail?

My early investigations are leading me to point to the users' infrastructure..
Is it possible do you think that users working within a citrix environment could be a factor?
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Unfortunately, I don't know much about troubleshooting things like that, sorry.