Linking your licenses?

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I was just browsing through the showcase gallery. (VERY cool sites everyone!)

And I got to looking at where my addons are being used. It's just very encouraging to see the different ways that some of you customize, organize, and use my addons. Seeing that offers me a real since of "ahhh, ok...that's really fun, and I played a tiny role in that"


It seems pretty obvious to me that most users have a serious aversion to linking their licenses. This bums me out in two ways: one, because of that, I/we can not offer you the best support, and updates are for the most part transparent. (I make improvements all the time) and Secondly, awesome community tools such as the showcase do not show what great addons you are using, which fails to display how proud we are of C5 as our core CMS and the supper cool addons available that saved us hundreds of hours of work.

So I'm curious, what's the big deal? Why are many of you not using this great integration and community/developer building resource?

I mean, I'm not going to banter or beat anyone down...but I just want to know what the big aversion is to something I see as helpful, community centric, supportive of our developers...ect



bcarone replied on at Permalink Reply
Chad I would agree with you on what you have said.

Personally, I forget. Gentle reminders like this what is needed.

So I will post a note for myself on making sure I link the licenses as you suggest.

Thanks for pushing this ability with the community features to the forefront again.

senshidigital replied on at Permalink Reply
I think we have liked up all our sites but will double check.

On another point, we have posted a support question in your simple news add-on a few days ago but had no response yet. ;-D
RadiantWeb replied on at Permalink Reply
yeah, I responded via email...did you not get that?

mario replied on at Permalink Reply
i've bought a bunch of add ons for myself, my clients and my company. one reason we haven't associated our licenses yet is that, when I last looked, they were non transferable from site to site. Because of our workflow, sometimes we want to try out an add-on and see if it's actually a good fit. 50 percent of the time it's not, but it is something we might want to use for that account on other sites. The other 50 percent of the time I suppose we should go back to and associate it when it is something being used.

But due to that fact that there are literally 200 things to be done it falls pretty low on the priority list. We figure that we've at least given you the money to make new add-ons and support your work.

EDIT: however, we do appreciate the fact that we can at least keep track of how many licenses we have. before, it was a bit of a pain to remember.
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
my prospective is it takes time. Just because we release a new version doesnt mean everyone runs out and upgrades to it immediately. 5.4 has been out for like what, a month or so? maybe 6 weeks?

In that time over 5000 sites have connected to the community with the project pages. We see around 50k unique urls that hit our servers on occasion for updates to the core, so in 6 weeks we've got 10% of the audience using the new model. That ain't bad.

So if you figure there's new people signing up every day that never knew it worked any other way, and there's older sites that are upgrading the core and connecting because they want some new add-on or version of one they already have... just give it time.

Also we'll be adding more features in there over the summer, so generally - let the cake cook, there's nothing wrong with the recipe
Tony replied on at Permalink Reply
i have heard from a couple of people that they were having trouble figuring out how to assign licenses to their sites. when you go to report an issue with a package, you see the "Relating To" select field, which defaults to "unassigned license". But if I haven't moved that license to one of my sites, then "unassigned license" is all that's shown, and there isn't any guidance on how to do it. Maybe just a small how-to text link would be helpful here, linking to some how-to page?

also, when you go to, you see a list of your unassigned licenses, but no way to assign them to sites, and no instructions on how to do so. It should at least be pointing them in the right direction instead of making them dig.
zoinks replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
For me, the reason is simply because I have no idea how.

In fact, I can't even load them through the dashboard from the Marketplace as they're supposed to. It has something to do with, I guess. Never works for me.

The only thing that works for me is to download and drop them in the blocks folder and THEN install the add-on.

So, however you link your licenses works or is supposed to work, I have no idea. But, if that would help me get some SUPPORT, I'd be glad to do it. I was pretty annoyed that I bought a broken Add-On and got zero support for it AND Frz completely ignored my email requesting a refund. It was only $15, but still, it's a broken Add-on and I should either get support or a refund. All I did was install the thing and when I went to add it to my editable area, the form was broken. See attached screenshot to see what I mean...
Tony replied on at Permalink Reply
just send franz a reminder about the refund. he's sorting through tons of emails everyday and probably just missed it.

but if you want to get that working, that textHelper:entities method that it's having trouble with was introduced in a more recent version of concrete. You might want to try either upgrading your version of of the core, or adding the following function to /concrete/helpers/text.php

public function entities($v){
      return htmlentities( $v, ENT_COMPAT, APP_CHARSET); 

thanks for the feedback on the marketplace connection process.
mario replied on at Permalink Reply
I think they've actually added a way to assign and move your licenses around. Although, I do think it's a bit buried away.

First, sign in to the Dashboard on the various sites that you want to assign licenses to.

Connect to the Community on your site by going to Add Functionality under the Dashboard and Sign In /Link your Account to the Community (or something like that).

Go through "signing" the TOS and connect.

Now, log into and click on My Account.

Choose Projects--> and whatever your linked site name is. You'll see an Add Item drop down. This is where you can associate Add ons or themes to a site/project.

To delink the Add-on or Themes click on Release from Project. From there you can go back and associate them with a new project.

It does look like this process is a bit under development so I won't guarantee this will always be the way it works (since I'm not part of the C5 team, lol).

Btw, thank C5 team for putting this together. I makes it a lot easier to associate licenses and shuffle them around!

EDIT: suggestion - maybe have some instructions on the Licenses page? This is where most people will likely go (or My Add Ons).