Loading a random page on the same level

Hi There,

I am playing with building a site in c5 (I have good experience of using it for its normal functions). I want it to be a bit more of an experiential site and was thinking I would like to make it when the content area is clicked another random page from within the sitemap is loaded? Any thoughts on how I would do this? and how would I sort it so it didnt reload a page?

Alternatively I thiknk a more achievable solution maybe to simply load the next page number / next page in the sitemap. Anybody achieved this before or have any ideas. I am good with HTML and CSS but sadly not with javascript

Thanks in advance

jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
I can think of some ways to do what you want but they all involved more advanced coding in php.
There's also an addon that someone already built that might do what you want:
tobyme replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for that Jordan - I hadnt seen that plugin so will consider it for sure - although its a touch pricey for a little experiment but will see.