Login page accidentally deleted

It seems a client of mine has accidentally deleted their login page. I have tried to rebuild the page using the C5 installation on my development box, but have been unable to recreate the page. (I saw a couple of similar things on the forums, but no answers on how you can manually rebuild the login page...)

If I try to access the page at /index.php/login I get a Page not found error. If I access /index.php/dashboard I get a login page, but when I attempt to login (/index.php/login/login_do) I'm now getting this error: Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class PageNotFoundController in D:\wamp\www\concrete\controllers\page_not_found.php on line 12

Any help would be appreciated. I just delivered the site (it's an intranet) and my client has been working on it a couple of days now. I'd love to recover the page without losing her work - but can reinstall if absolutely necessary. Is there a page somewhere that details the development of a login page?

Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
Is it a fresh install? What version of c5

Is it an upgraded site? What version of c5 was the original version
Brainakazariua replied on at Permalink Reply
I suggest you run an "upgrade" like this:

- Upload a new core (/concrete folder) to your site, this can be the exact same version you are running now.
- add /tools/upgrade?force=1 or /index.php/tools/upgrade?force=1 behind your domain name (in the browser you use, not in the site.php) to run an "upgrade".

if you upload the same /concrete as the version you are running it still "upgrades" to that version.
Doing this results in fixing any missing files and database pieces.

it might solve the problem for you, I didn't get a chance to actually test it though
2degreestudios replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the suggestion! Unfortunately, it didn't help. :(

I'm running and I've never upgraded. Thanks!
Brainakazariua replied on at Permalink Reply
Can you check in your database if you have the line with cID5 (/login.php) under the table pages.

if it's missing I suggest you make a backup of the database.
do a fresh install on another enviroment.
make a dump of only the pages table.
delete the pages table in your current database.
import the dump you made of the pages table from the fresh install.

ofcourse I suggest you do this only if you didn't add maually pages to the /dashboard/pages/single/ (single pages in the dashboard) since those will be lost. you can either recreate them then or try to find another solution.

if it fails just clear the database and use the dump you made as a backup to restore it.