Mailing workflow creator/editor platform

Let’s think of how a website sends automatic emails to its users. When a new profile is created, a “Welcome” email automatically goes through. Then, when the user’s profile is updated, a confirmation email will be sent. Same with “Status changed”, “email validation”, “suspicious access detected”, “action required”, “account cancelled”, and many others. An automatic email is sent after a pre-defined action.

Obviously, there’s some workflow going on in the background which evaluates if certain variables match certain criteria. If there’s a match the specific email is sent (e.g. if a new user is created, “welcome” message is sent). It has to exist one Database storing the criteria variables, a second DB with the emails templates, then a third one containing the email address to send communications to, etcetera. The system makes these considerations and take actions when applicable.

Question is, does it exist some kind of user-friendly workflow editor? Can the administrator of a website build these criteria and actions to take in a easy or visually friendly manner?
