New eCommerce?

Hi all,

Does anyone know when/if a new version of the eCommerce block will be available? Not quite satisfied with it in it's current state and was hoping a major revision or an alternative version was coming soon.


Tony replied on at Permalink Reply
I personally can't speak to your question, but out of curiosity what specifically are you looking for?
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
Just a couple of weeks out.

Best wishes,
(Pecked out on a mobile device...)
pixelfish replied on at Permalink Reply
Whats these rumors about a new e commerce package? When you say a couple of weeks away Franz, do you have an estimated date for release?

What sort of new things will it contain? backend for clients to manage orders?
pixelfish replied on at Permalink Reply
Whats these rumors about a new e commerce package? When you say a couple of weeks away Franz, do you have an estimated date for release?

What sort of new things will it contain? backend for clients to manage orders?
frz replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Were actively working on it. I expect a April launch. Its just a whole lot of small features that ecom should have - nothing dramatic just a lot of flushing out we never got a chance to do before

Best wishes,
(Pecked out on a mobile device...)
form replied on at Permalink Reply
Good stuff, very much looking forward to it. One part of the ecommerce which I really hope you improved was the ability to customize the front-end of it. As a designer I see little need for all the layout options the blocks provide for the listing and detail views. It takes me a good deal of time gutting all the superfluous PHP that deals with the options the user selects for displaying the products.

I appreciate that the ecommerce is meant to work out of the box and allow the blocks to dictate the flow of content, however I rather my clients don't have the opportunity to mess with this.

As a suggestion would it be possible to supply generic blocks for the product detail and listing (seperate view.php files too), that don't include options pertaining to the layout of the product information? The view.php files would only then show the bare-bones product information.
ryan replied on at Permalink Reply
Yeah, I agree we had already discussed and were planning on including a set of simplified/stubbed out templates that are more developer oriented.
andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
Agreed - like Ryan said, we're looking at including custom templates which are much simpler in nature and devoid of lots of the formatting information. Specifically, we're looking at integrating with the hProduct microformat:
jaredquinn replied on at Permalink Reply
The two features I have a requirement for are:

Flexibly Pricing Options

Spent an hour or two tonight thinking about how I can implement using price-adjust options, and I may just be able to do it - but it would be complicated. It would support by-user-group pricing among other things.

Product Option Inventory Control

Would be great if we could keep track of the Small v Large of the same product :)

jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm working on a client site next week where they need per-group pricing for eCommerce. If you want, I'll let you know when I've completed it. I'm hoping to generalize it and put it up on the marketplace afterwards, so it would be nice to have someone else test it as well.

ryan replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey Jordan,
We're working on making the discount system group and product set aware - haven't fully architected this yet, but it's on our list...
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
What's your ETA? (I know there's no guarantees, but even a ballpark figure would help me plan this project better -- I won't hold you to it, I promise!)
ryan replied on at Permalink Reply