New Year Beanstream Payment Gateway Giveaway

In the spirit of Michaelg's giveaway of themes on Christmas Day (which I sadly missed out on), (thread here: I will be giving away free licences for our Beanstream Payment Gateway add-on.

The price has been set to $0.00 for the rest of today and until I wake up tomorrow. I ask that you limit yourself to no more than 5 licences and the honor system is in place.

Even if you don't use Beanstream now, feel free to snag a licence or two in case you need them in the future.

Beanstream has great customer service and our add-on makes integration very easy. If you'd like a quote on rates, you can fill out our channel partner form (or get your clients to) and they will get back to you with a rate quote:

PM me at anytime if you have any questions about their service and I'll try and help you out.

You can find the add-on here:

Thanks to everyone in the Concrete5 community for their contributions to the CMS, great marketplace additions and your help in the forums. I wish you all the best in 2012!


fastcrash replied on at Permalink Reply
hey mytooq you are so kind,

btw, what is this add-on for? some like pay-pal gateway?
oh yeah, do you have shoping chart add-on? the simple one is okay teheehee :)
TooqInc replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Fastcrash,

Beanstream is a North American payment processor for Visa, MC, Amex, Discover, Interac, etc. Kind of like Paypal, only with good service and accountability.

No shopping cart add-on from us, but the gateway we're giving away integrates with Concrete5's eComm.
TooqInc replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm just going to leave this add-on available for free until the 15th of January. Feel free to help yourself even if you don't need them now.

Also, If someone is testing out eComm with 5.5, I'd love to hear if things still work or if we need to do some work to make this work with 5.5. I simply haven't set up a 5.5 install yet.