Pictures in File Manager

I have my page created and everything has been going well until recent. I am attempting to add additional photos to my File Manager to be added to the website. Upon completing the upload the photo preview has the error icon and doesn't load on the webpage. Can anyone provide a reason for this and how to resolve it? Thanks in advance for your help.

braincramp replied on at Permalink Reply
What kind of images are these? There could be any number of issues but color space & file type seem the most likely culprits.
alpha replied on at Permalink Reply
The images are standard photos saved as jpg files. I've also tried reducing the picture quality.
LucasAnderson replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
The image is probably not formatted correctly. It could be improper Color Mode when saving as a JPEG. In many cases I've found that if you save the file as a .jpg while it's in Index color mode it will become corrupt. I always switch to RGB before saving as a JPEG.
marissa replied on at Permalink Reply
I have a question about this too? I am having the same problem can not upload photos? If scanning a photo to upload how do you save it in a RGB mode? By scanning a photo would that cause corruption?