Problem reseting admin password

I moved my site to hostgator from bluehost, and site works fine, but I can not login as admin. I check the site.php and used the salt there to try and update the password with myphpadmin.
update Users set uPassword = md5('bytewide:fi7SrN6QXMGZATC1pNoUL2PBxEI2qf6tRlrkDfYUmRQjBJtePrVyJzSIspDlqAFh') where uName = 'admin';

also tried with uID = 1 in the where clause. Receive not errors but password still does not work? IS there a php setting for md5 that I need to update in the php.ini file?

wizardontherun replied on at Permalink Reply
Another odd thing, I copy the password in the user table ( from a user that i can login as ) and pasted into the admin password, and still can not login as admin...