ProBlog - adding and editing posts

Hi! I am writing to ask you for a little help with using the ProBlog app. I am working on the site and I've already installed ProBlog, but I've got some problems at the very beginning - while adding new posts.

ProBlog is installed right there , but there's still an inormation "You must choose a parent page for this blog entry" or "No sections defined. Please create a page with the attribute "blog_entry" set to true"

While adding a new posts they don't show up on the main site but for example there:!trash/wiadomosc/admin... and there's usually no possibility to edit them.

What am I doing wrong?
Please help!!! :)

ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
As I recall (its been a while) when you have created your blog using the correct blogga template you must then go to page properties/custom attribute and select the appropriate attributes, ie. blogga parent, blogga post etc..
Hope this helps..
RadiantWeb replied on at Permalink Reply
You should likely put in a support ticket in the problog support area.

But that's actually a typo in that code. It should read " you must add the 'blog_section' attribute to a page in your sitemap"

So, go to your sitemap, click on the page you wish to post blog entries to, edit the properties, custom attributes, and add the "blog_section" attribute.

That should be all.

mustangquen replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
I am having the same issue and I have tried what was recommended above BUT only the admin can choose Section/Location... but then when I give other groups access... this is the only thing they can't choose. Any help would be appreciated. I do not want to give groups to Admin right in order to choose a Section/Location... so how can I get past this??!