Question about File Sets

So I've started working on a website that uses concrete5 that was not originally mine. There area lots and lots of files in the file manager. I'm trying to determine how many of them are already organized in the file sets so that I know:

What files I have and to avoid duplication by uploading a file that already exists
What needs to be organized
How things are already organized

It appears that many of the files in my file manager are arranged into sets, but I know for sure that not all the files are. I want to know how many aren't assigned to one or more sets. However, I cannot find a way to search by sets.

In the file manager view I can see thumbnail, type, title, added, active, and size. I watched a few tutorials and they showed how you can customize what is displayed in the file manager but I don't see the option to sort by set. I also looked at the properties of the file in the hope that information on which set a file belongs to might be displayed there -- from what I could tell there is not information on sets there.

The only option I see is to type the name of the set(s) into the In Set(s) search box, but that doesn't show me what sets are untagged. Is there a way to do that?

If there isn't it would be really inefficient for me to try to determine what files are in sets and what files are not, especially with several hundred files in my file manager.

I understand that file sets help to organize files by tagging, but it seems like this should be a little easier. A filtered view (i.e., using the In Set(s) search box) doesn't help. I don't want to just see what is in a given set, I want to see what isn't in a set too.

It would be really helpful to add a file set option to the customize results option along with other options like type, title, etc. on the file manager page so that I can quickly see that metadata and ascertain what's tagged in a set and what isn't.