Tags less pretty in 5.5.1, text only

Hi all....I re-created (did not reuse anything) a site that was in 5.4.2 in 5.5.1 and had a question about "tags".

Essentially, all of the tags that are applied to a page can show up in the Tag Block, and I have those tags redirecting to a search page that successfully shows the results from the entire site for all tags, so no problem there.

BUT, here is the issue...in 5.5.1 the "look" of the tags is just plain text. In 5.4.2 those tags showed up with super-nice rounded/shaded ovals surrounding the tags, but now the tags are just plain text.

Anyone know why this would be? (I suspect it is because there was a decision made that there should be no enforced tag style so you can create your own, but that is just a guess)

The HTML code is all the same (see screenshot), but the tags just "look" different in 5.5.1, though there is NO loss in functionality.

Thanks for any advice!

3 Attachments

arrestingdevelopment replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply

It looks like the CSS styles for the Tag List have changed in C5.5 from earlier versions. I just took a look at the code for the "tags" block in (/concrete/blocks/tags/view.css) and it has extra styling that adds the border, padding, etc to turn each tag into more of a "button" look. The same file in 5.5.1 DOESN'T have that styling (my suspicion is that your suspicion is correct and they've removed the styling from the tags in order to allow you to control it in your own theme).

Attached is the view.css for the tags from You could either place that in the /blocks/tags folder to override the core version... or you could include the necessary styles into your own theme's CSS file. Either way, it should work.

Hope that helps.

- John
pendragn replied on at Permalink Reply
That's it! I guess the moral of the story here is that whenever anything seems out of the ordinary, look in the /concrete directory structure for the element that matches your issue, and see what is going on there (assuming no custom element in a theme, etc.).

I will play around with adding those settings in and see what happens....thanks!!
arrestingdevelopment replied on at Permalink Reply
LOL! True! The "/concrete" folders are a treasure-trove of information. And the modular structure of C5 really lends itself to "borrowing" code from there and using it in your own elements ("/blocks", "/packages", "/themes", etc) as the starting point for doing what you want/need.

At first, I was afraid to do much in there... there's so much advice to leave things alone there, since any upgrades will overwrite that part of your install. But there's no harm in COPYING from there. ;D

Best of luck... let us know how you make out.

- John
pendragn replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks! I did exactly that! Copied the view.css file from the <SITEROOT>/concrete/blocks/tags to a new directory I created: <SITEROOT>/blocks/tags and then after making sure permissions were set correctly on the directory and file I edited the view.css file to read thusly:

.ccm-tags-display ul.ccm-tag-list li {
        display: inline;
        color: #fff;
        border: 1px solid #aaa;
        background-color: #f6f6f6;
        vertical-align: middle;
        padding: 5px 8px 6px 8px;
        margin: 3px 6px 3px 0;
        -webkit-border-radius: 4px;
        -moz-border-radius: 4px;
        float: left;
        line-height: 13px;
        height: 13px;

....and it worked like it did before! I essentially added the lines:

border: 1px solid #aaa;
        background-color: #f6f6f6;
        vertical-align: middle;

...in there and that creates a border, creates a background color, and aligns the text, and the existing code already rounds the corners, etc.

I gotta say that F12 / inspector in Chrome (Firebug in FF) is a godsend! Thanks for the help!

pendragn replied on at Permalink Reply
I am also wondering...things like this are small little bits of information that get generated, but if people do not look in the forums, or they do not put in the right search term, the information is lost to them.

Is there a way that the C5 gods have devised to help people out with tidbits like this, more than them searching through forum posts? I would be glad to (as I find things) write them up, but I have not seen if there is a place that takes little helping things like this?

frz replied on at Permalink Reply
which part, the tag specific meme or the override meme?

best wishes

Franz Maruna
CEO - concrete5.org
pendragn replied on at Permalink Reply
I was thinking about the override meme...the tag thing is fairly easy to find in the forums, but the combination of using the inspector in Chrome and the overrides is really fun, and I think, pretty compelling to "casual+" users who know enough to tinker around but who aren't really programmers.

frz replied on at Permalink Reply
Yeah the override thing is very important and hard t quickly explain.. It's on the list

Best wishes,
(Pecked out on a mobile device...)