Two section, multi language

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Hi there,

For one of our customers we are looking at a concrete5 install to use as their CMS.

Now we are very new to the system and therefore have a question I hope someone can answer.

My client wants to run a site that is in 2 languages and divided in two sections that both have their own navigation.

we want to maintain these two sections and languages from one admin environment.

Does anyone know if something like that is possible and if yes, how this can be done?


hbartlett replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, I just launched one for a client in fact. How I did it was to make two pages called en and fr, then the sub pages off those for each language. The home page has links to both, but the links are content blocks linked to the first english and french page. I also included language choice links on each page of the site, again content blocks linked to the corresponding page in the other language.

You can see it at:
BHWW replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, Thank you for this post, that's exactly how I was thinking of creating a dual language option, however i have a question. Were you able to automate the English/French switchover button or did you have to manually link it to each corresponding page? If so what code did you put in the theme template?

Thanks in advance.