Uploading to file manager from iPhone

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Hi hope you can help,

I am unable to choose any files to upload from my iPhone to the filemanager....

Is there anyway I can upload images to the file manager direct from my iPhone without downloading them to my computer first??



julia replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Robert,

iPhones are only able to upload files through Apps, so the answer is no. You'll need to download the files to your computer and then upload them.
saddo replied on at Permalink Reply
You can create an upload form, and use that.

I have a fairly simple one I use to post blog entrys to my page.

Make sure you protect it with some credentials, otherwise people will upload pics you really don't want to see...

Create a group for the users you want to be able to upload, and in your view.php for the form, add this.

<?php global $u;
$g = Group::getByName("uploader");
if($u->inGroup($g)) { ?>

<!--This is where your form goes-->
<form method="post" action="<?php echo $this->action('file_upload')?>" enctype="multipart/form-data" style="text-align:left">
<?php echo "<div class=\"selectFile\">Bild " . $form->file('myFile') . "</div><br>" ?>

<?php } ?>

Now I wrote a complete blogging module for mobile blogging, so if you want to make it a bit easier, and not start writing your own blocks, just create a new page type, and add the group-stuff in that.

<?php global $u;
$g = Group::getByName("uploader");
if($u->inGroup($g)) { ?>
<? $a = new Area('form'); $a->setBlockLimit(1); $a->display($c); ?>
<?php } ?>

Navigate to the page, and add the form.
> Add block -> Form -> Answer-type:File upload