Use concrete5 so people can make easy website


Planning to make a website, were people can easy make a homepage, using concrete5. What i am thinking, is that when someone register as a member, then they will also be able to get an empty website that they can themselves, go in and design, with the blocks that will be available for them.

Is this possible with concrete5, or do i have to upload the congrete5 first to an server for them, before they can start design their homepage. This offcause will take time, as they have to wait, until i have uploaded to the server.
It would be better, if it could be ready right away with let us say ex. a main site called, but then it will behttp://www.myhomepage/, or even this version

If they want a special domain name, i think it have to take the extra time, as i am not a prof. webhoster, og designer for that matter.
