Weekly live show for Japanse users

Hi everyone.

You may know that I sdid the live streaming show with Franz, Andrew and Ryan last June.


Since then, I've been doing the weekly live show in Japan.

I've done some tutorial stuffs. But, lately, we've been focusing on Japanese version and local users group.

And it's been a quite success. My show led to launch two local users group in Japan.

I've been successful, to certain extent, getting connected to the concrete5 Japanese users.

Now, I would like to start connecting between Japanese users and the rest of the world.

One of current problems among Japanese users is that they are not fully taking the advantage of Marketplace.

Many Japanese people cannot speak English well, and some are very reluctant to purchase a paid addons (or even free addon).

But this live streaming would definitely help fill the gap.

If you develop addons and themes, this is a good chance to introduce your work to Japanese people.

Or you can simply share your design, customization skills...

We do the live show on every Thurs at 10pm (Japan Standard Time).

Or check your local time:

Also we can be flexible on time.

If you can join us via Skype, I'll translate as you go... like this


I would like to start with simple addons or themes....

I already have a couple people in my mind. So some of you will receive PM from me :)

But I am open to suggestion and recommendations, of course.

Thanks a lot.
