AAKK! Home Page Won't Stay Logged IN - Can't Edit Home Page

Hi All...

I hope someone can help me. Here' what happens:

I go to my home page and log is as normal.
I'm taken to the Welcome Page.
I go to the site map and click to visit my Home page
I'm taken to the Home page...

BUT ...I'm not logged in anymore AND I don't have any of the editing tools across the top.
If I click to visit any other page... I'm logged in and I get the page editing tools
[chuckle].... WTF! ... .

Even if I log in and visit any other page first... I am logged in... until I go to the Home Page... then I'm NOT logged in ... that is, until I visit any other page... then I AM logged in again.

This behavior occurs no matter which browser I am using... I tried clearing all caches in everything... I can't figure this out.

Does anyone have any ideas or thoughts as to why this is?

I'm using Concrete5 v 8.2.1

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Michael C.

mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
did you check if you had any errors listed in your browser's console? It could be a javascript error.
jero replied on at Permalink Reply
Have you by any chance got full page caching turned on? Sometimes your browser will remember that the home page is cached and even after logging in, revisiting it will show the cached version. Try pressing ctrl-F5 together to force a refresh which hopefully will show the tool bar.