Add new single page as system page, not available now ?

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Hi, now I develop add-ons and need to add single page. The problem is I want add new single page and not listed in the sitemap. After looking the core code of concrete seems this feature not supported yet. This is what I know. Please let me know if I make mistake.

 * Adding single page when install
$p = SinglePage::add('/store/services', $pkg);
if (is_object($p)) {
    $p->update(array('cName' => t('Services'), 'cDescription' => t('c5commerce frontend web services')));
 * Code above will execute add method in the Single class -> /concrete/src/Page/Single.php
 * Single class
class Single {
    // code
    public static function add($cPath, $pkg = null) {

Somebody can help me to suggest solution..? should I update database record manually..?
