Banner images from file set

Hello everyone,
I am trying to get some images from a file set direct into my theme.
I've got this:
<div id="banner">
$a = new Area('Banner');
if (($a->getTotalBlocksInArea($c) > 0) || ($c->isEditMode())) {
} else { 
   echo "No banner available.";
} ?>

But with this i've got to ad images manualy.
I want it so that when i open a page it automaticly vieuws images from my file set.
Is that posible.
If so how do you do that?

ps. sorry for my bad english. i'm from holland

12345j replied on at Permalink Reply
      $fs = FileSet::getByName('file_set_name');
      $fileList = new FileList();      
      $files = $fileList->get(1000,0);

$files now has an array of all the file objects in the file set file_set_name