Block Designer Pro -> PageList

I'm brand new to this CMS, so I might have the wrong logic here.

I designed a block with Block Designer Pro on a page and now I would like to display some of this attributes on the homepage with pagelist. So far, I achieved only to display some of the page attributes but not from my custom block.

Any hint?

ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
Not sure what you want to do with "Page List" here. Can you give some example codes or screenshots of what you're doing here?
pixinside replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
I made a PDF to explain myself a bit better. I hope it helps
ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
- Select the "Page Attribute";
- Now you can select "Other" (last value) under "Attribute";
- A new field will be available, called "Attribute handle". Fill in the handle used for your attribute;
- After that, you can check the box "Use attribute for the current page", and it will retrieve the value of this specific attribute for the page you put the block on;
pixinside replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm sorry... I can't find where I can modify this settings.

Is it on the page or in the block designer pro?
ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
You have to create the block if you haven't already, using Block Designer. If you already have created it, first uninstall the block type. Then go to Block Designer - Config. Select the block to load the config and make the changes where you need the changes.

You can take a look on this page for a more detailed list of steps to take to make changes to a block -

The second question "I want to tweak a couple of things for a block and go to 'Block Config' and load the appropriate block. Now when making the changes and hitting "Make the block!" it gives me an error that the block type is already installed. What do I do?" should be the one for you to look at!
pixinside replied on at Permalink Reply
Got it! thanks.

As long as you're here... :)
Is it possible to delete a field in block designer pro?
ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
You will have to go through the same steps. So uninstall the block, then go to Block Designer, load the config and delete the field you want to delete (there's an "X" in the upper right corner for each field you added). There is no other way to make changes to blocks, other than making code changes yourself (which most won't be willing to make or can't do themselves). Also, making code changes will give a difference once you load the config up again so...
pixinside replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
ah... Looks like I have a small bug on my concrete 8.0.1.
The cross doesn't show up. (see attached)

But I see the button through the web inspector. So I'll manage to use it. CSS looks strangely ok.
ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
Ah, you are on version 8 and it seems I missed that. Will be adding a fix in the next update for that!
pixinside replied on at Permalink Reply
So, I'm able now to get a "page attribute" into block designer, but would it be possible to do the opposite?

For example populate a page attribute with a textfield from block designer.

My goal is that the final client as to fill the content of a page in only on place (the block). Then it fills automatically the page attributes which I can use on the homepage with pagelist.
ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Currently not possible.

What you could do, is set up "Composer" for those pages. In composer you can use page attributes, block types etc., where the user who needs to edit the page, can do it using the composer instead of all the different blocks. So you make a page type, add the default attributes and an extra attribute you need, and add 1 or more blocks for the user to fill in. Then drop the blocks in the right places for the "Output" of this page type and voila, you're done.