Block installed by Package is not available for use

I have a block and package both created by the excellent block designer and package designer add-ons by RamonLeenders but blocks installed with Package Designer do not appear to be installed.

RamonLeenders has asked I post the issue in the wider forums as he can't see an issue with the add-ons and thinks an environment issue may be at play.

I have created a very simple block (called Fred) and package (called Trevor) with block designer and package designer and attach it in the hope that someone may be able to see an error or suggest where the issue is coming from. The block/package has pretty much no functional use!

There's more discussion and background on the issue here where environment information can also be found.

Any help would be appreciated.

1 Attachment

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
I hacked the package controller to install on because I had a convenient test site and the support thread said OK for

Package installs for me and the block exists and can be dragged onto the page. However, when I click 'Add' in the block add/edit dialog I get an SQL error:
Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'prb_5756.btFred' doesn't exist

There is no db.xml to define the table (That may be irrelevant to a install).

There are also a lot of empty directories unnecessarily bundled with the package and a unnecessary uninstall() method in the package controller. I suspect you have just been a little enthusiastic about selecting options when generating the package.

Back onto topic - the problem you describe does not happen for me.
ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
It did install correctly and worked like expected on my machine too (Ubuntu). Is this a live environment (can't really tell from the environment data). Did you try locally too perhaps?

2 confirmed installations, and the files seem OK too, right (John)? Pretty weird everything else of your concrete5 installs and behaves like it should...
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
I got some issues (as per above), but it installed and the block was there where it is supposed to be.

Could it be as simple as the overrides cache?

is the site on windows? Could case-invariance be involved?

After that, I would suspect skewed data in the database or filesystem confusing the core, perhaps as you questioned there is residue of a previous block of similar name or handle.
ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
Yeah, I guess he forgot to include the database file and the required version number is just his concrete5 version install. So that's a workaround for the version you have, nothing special. I couldn't find anything either, and it happened with every package he created. So I guess it's not database related... Not sure what his environment is though, perhaps you can check on other environments with the same concrete5 install Gordon?
gordoncWG replied on at Permalink Reply
Apologies I'm not able to come back more quickly with answers. I'm not at my desk much at the moment.

It's a working server. CentOS. The site isn't yet live but I haven't changed any caching settings for the purpose of site development.
ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
Maybe caching is enabled, and you need to disable caching?
gordoncWG replied on at Permalink Reply
Will check that as soon as I can.
gordoncWG replied on at Permalink Reply
I disabled Block caching but the same issue occurs.
gordoncWG replied on at Permalink Reply
I also used new block and package names to see if it was a database residue issue. Still no joy!
gordoncWG replied on at Permalink Reply
I've created blocks and packages since disabling block caching and also including only the blocks directory when creating the package but the same errors seem to occur.
ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
Does it happen with a clean concrete5 install also? What happens when you move from local to live or live to local? I don't know on which you are currently, so try to switch somehow.

If that did not work, zip your project up and send that to me. Perhaps it's something with this exact install....
gordoncWG replied on at Permalink Reply
Just after I posted my message re the Blocks Cache I notice the Overrides Cache Jon mentioned.

Turning the Overrides Cache off sorts the issue. I also turned the Blocks Cache off so it may be a combination of both.

Thanks for your help Jon and Ramon.