
Permalink 1 user found helpful
How could I change the set of blocks order example , there are blocks like basic, navigation, forms , social networking, multimedia, other[custom blocks]. I just want to display other[custom blocks ] as the first one. How could I achieve It ?

Thanks in Advance

hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
In the Database in the BlockTypeSets table there is a btsDisplayOrder if you enter values other than 0 there they should order by that field.
dileepthomas1993 replied on at Permalink Reply
I can rearrange the order of the default blocks given by the concrete5 but on my Php my admin, my custom block is not showing. On BlockTypeSets table default blocks are showing.
As I am new to concrete 5 , I think there is a core Php file (block_order.php). I think we should do something in order to show my custom blocks as the first block on the panel. Can you check the code and give me some suggestion where to replace and how to resolve this.
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Are you trying to change the order of the Block Type Sets or of the Block Types themselves within the Set? These are two different things, the instructions I gave you would be to reorder the Block Type Sets (Basic, Navigation, Forms, etc.) within that panel, not the Block Types (Content, HTML, Image, etc) within the sets.