C5 Staff - Update the docs for custom themes on 5.5!

The designer guide(s) on the Concrete5 site don't say that you need the footer_required element when creating a custom theme, they just tell you to replace the title tag with the header include from 5.4.x. Please update the tutorials on the c5 site to explain that in 5.5 you need this new include line, so others won't spend as long as I have trying to figure out why their custom themes aren't working!

tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
This page is quite clear and relevant:


There are also new ways to call the new global areas:
   $a = new GlobalArea('Site Name');
   $a = new GlobalArea('Header Nav');

So use the top one instead of the old:
<h1 id="logo">
   <a href="<?=DIR_REL?>/"><?
   $block = Block::getByName('My_Site_Name');
   if( $block && $block->bID ) $block->display();  
   else echo SITE;

On the bottom of your page put this:

