Can't access File Manager if not in Administrators group

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Concrete 5.3.1 - user that doesn't belong to administrators group can't access file manager's search page.

To replicate:
1. add group
2. add user
3. add user to just created group
4. go to sitemap, check show system pages, add 'Read' permissions on dashboard folder for created group.
5. login as user just created, click on file manager - you'll get an error message: "Unable to access file manager."
# Attributes, # Sets and # Access work fine, it's only search that can't be accessed.
Same thing happens when I'm trying to add image block to a page.

It can be fixed by manually creating record in FileSetPermissions table - 0, groupID, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10

Is it me doing something wrong or is there a bug in C5?

Marcin Pycio

Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
file manager - access - add group or user - select your group and set permissions
marcin108 replied on at Permalink Reply
thank you for prompt reply

Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
Even after creating quite a few c5 sites, I still forget it quite often...

It's on my checklist now (:
andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
I seem to be using that as my subject a lot these days ;)

It's a little counterintuitive, but file permissions are separate from the pages that the file manager lives on in the dashboard. That's because the file manager is essentially its own separate entity, as it can be included by any number of blocks, used in any number of different situations. We thought it was easiest to have it have its own separate set of permissions, so when trying to give out access, there was one specific spot you went to, to control who had access to the file list, file sets, etc..
Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
Why don't you create default file manager permissions for all groups marked as editors? (somewhere in sitewide access settings, not sure about the exact name)

Being able to read your own file shouldn't hurt anybody..