CAPTCHA Image Not Shoing Up

I'm running

When I turn on the CAPTCHA feature for a form, the image doesn't disply. The CAPTCHA text does, but the image does not.

Any idea why this might be?

I've attached a screenshot.

1 Attachment

leinteractive replied on at Permalink Reply
Anyone have any ideas on this issue?
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Can you check your server logs for PHP errors and see if there is maybe a PHP function not installed on your server that needs to be there to generate the captcha image?
hostco replied on at Permalink Reply
We can recall having this issue a few times in the past.

The fix was to disable "Show errors in page" in the debug settings and enable "Hide errors from visitors"

Dashboard > System & Settings > Debug Settings
leinteractive replied on at Permalink Reply
I changed that setting, no help.

I'm seeing the same issue on other sites on the server I opened a support ticket with the hosting company to see if they can look into it further.

I'll post back with the results.
hostco replied on at Permalink Reply
Had the same issue before as well. It came down to either Gettext or TTF not being compiled in PHP.

Its been so long I cant recall if it was one the other or a combination of the both. Make sure you have these complied.
WebcentricLtd replied on at Permalink Reply
I had to do this a couple of days ago on a cpanel VPS - was TTF.
hostco replied on at Permalink Reply
@AndyJ, thanks for confirming.