Change Blog Post Thumbnail crop dimensions?


I have a theme that's set to show thumbnails at 322 x 200 on a page list, but when I make new blog posts it forces me to crop the thumbnail at 150 by 150, so in the end I can't output the image at the 322 x 200 that I want. I'd like to know how to change the settings to crop new thumbnails at 322 x 200 instead. I've attached an image of what I'm seeing through the blog post interface.

I've seen just a few threads on this but nothing that answers what I need. I'm guessing I need to override a controller.php somewhere but I'm not sure where to look. Any ideas?

1 Attachment

lackadaize replied on at Permalink Reply
I just realize you can close the crop editor and it maintains the original dimensions but I don't want the client to be confused when editing, so is there a way to disable the thumbnail crop feature?