Changing Database Character Set Results in Error

Hi, I'm trying to change a site's character set to utf8mb4 but I get an error.

Call to a member function add() on null.

The site is running Concrete5-8.5.4 and is running mariaDB which its version is 5.5.68.

I don't have any problems change the character set through mysql.

Has anyone had something similar happen to them?

1 Attachment

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
If you set 'debug output' in /dashboard/system/environment/debug that will provide a little more information about the error.
jakeb0844 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the reply!

Debug output is enabled and a picture is attached showing the "debug output" information.

The only thing given is "Call to a member function add() on null".

Any thoughts?

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
no attachment.

Probably more use to click the 'COPY' button and paste the output from that