Concrete Theme Issues

Hi folks,

I just moved my Concrete5 site over from a test server to the live server. However, now I am having problems adding pages. When I click "add page" I get the following error:

An unexpected error occurred.
Call to a member function setPageTypeComposerFormLayoutSetControlObject() on a non-object

I've also noticed that on my test server, it only gives me one singular option to create a blank page, when on the live site is has options such as "Empty Page, Blog Entry, Job Posting, etc." So something is afoot between the two and I can't put my finger on why.

Not sure what that means or how to rectify it, but I could sure use some help. Also, it seems as if when I edit the page, I can no longer publish the edits. The Publish Changes, Save Changes and Discard Changes does not appear in the left hand nav. I have to log out and log back in and click "approve changes" in the pop up that appears. I have attached a screenshot for you to see.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

1 Attachment

crystalrock replied on at Permalink Reply
Also getting the following error upon trying to add a new page type:

An exception occurred while executing 'insert into PageTypes (ptName, ptHandle, ptDefaultPageTemplateID, ptAllowedPageTemplates, ptIsInternal, ptLaunchInComposer, ptDisplayOrder, ptIsFrequentlyAdded, pkgID) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' with params ["Page", "page", 11, "A", 0, 1, "6", 1, 0]: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry 'page' for key 'ptHandle'
2deez replied on at Permalink Reply
I feel as if I just dealt with this issue.
Two questions.
1. When moving to the new site, did you clear out the database and reinstall a fresh copy of 5.7?
If so, I have another question regarding that.

2. Did you copy over the cache folder to the new site? I recommend manually clearing that.

My best guess would be the Database
crystalrock replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi 2deez,

I did not install a new version. I moved an old one over. 2 questions to your 2 answers:

How do I manually clear my cache? And if that isn't the issue, where should I look in my database?
2deez replied on at Permalink Reply
Removing cache files manually can be done by using ftp and deleting all files in the /application/files/cache folder.

I wouldn't think the database would have an issue with the way you did it. But what has changed? Domain name? Server?
crystalrock replied on at Permalink Reply
Cleared all cache files and no luck. Both the domain name and server changed.
johnsmart replied on at Permalink Reply
Cache flush did not help me (exact same issue)
Where you able to resolve this?
exchangecore replied on at Permalink Reply
For those who run across this issue in the future:
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
Would it be feasible to serialize that data as json rather than php objects?
exchangecore replied on at Permalink Reply
If I had to make a guess it's done this way because the form layout set controls aren't like block/attributes/authentication types wherein they have a predefined spot that can be looked at to load the appropriate classes. If instead we stored initialization values and a class path I imagine we could probably get away with doing json but I'm not the authority on why it was done the way it was.