Concrete5 5.7 Conversation Block Questions

I haven't dipped into the back end of this block yet but I am assuming my first question is easily done with a block override but here it is... The block notifications currently list the PAGE title as the subject line. Like "New Message on Conversation: Suggestion Box". Suggestion Box being the page title. My hope is to add multiple conversation blocks to a single page and would rather the subject of the notification reference the block title rather than the page title.

Another question I have is can the notification email link back to the conversation be modified to jump to that blocks position on the page (given that there may be 5 or 6 conversation blocks on the page).

Last question. And this is the doozy. The page I have the conversation block on is behind a member only area. So the link that the notification email contains is taking the user to the login page and then to the post login destination page rather than the email's link destination. So is there anyway to have the email link auto log in the user? Possible? if so, how hard would it be? Security issue?

I think this last idea would be useful as a general modification even if the conversation block page is not on a members only page because as a subscriber to the conversation i receive email notifications when other people post on the conversation. But when I click the link (and I am not logged in) I get the inputs and captcha thingys. To post under my username instead of using the inputs and captcha, I need to log in which will again make me surf back to the page.

Thanks in advance for any advice.

ob7dev replied on at Permalink Reply
Does anyone know how to control who receives "conversation notices" via email when new messages are submitted to a conversation?
MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi ob7dev,

You can find this setting here:
Dashboard > System & Settings > Conversations > Settings > Notification > Users To Receive Conversation Notifications