Could anyone share Google geocoding API key or test free package?

I've developed a free Google Maps package. One can place a marker and enter a location name. In order to get the location coordinates by the name on the map, I use a free LocationIQ map geocoding service which I still have in the package. One can also click on the map and get coordinates of the clicked point on the map - reverse geocoding.

So at the moment I use 2 API keys: Google's and LocationIQ's to show a map and to search for coordinates by a name. It looks odd to require 2 different API keys, the user will need 2 registrations.

The Google geocoding API is not free. So I am wondering if anyone could either share the key for testing of the package geocoding or test the package itself and tell me if the geocoding works?

mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
Google's geocoding API doesn't immediately cost anything to use, it just requires an an active account (with a credit card).

Then you start with something like $200 a month 'credit', which covers quite a decent amount of API usage, and should easily cover testing purposes.