Custom controller.php to add page types, add blocks, add content to blocks and add pages

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Hello all!

Thank you in advance for helping.
I've been working for 3 days in creating my own custom theme but now I've hit the wall.

So this is what I have so far in my controller.php:

defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die(_("Access Denied."));
class ThemeultimatePackage extends Package {
  protected $pkgHandle = 'theme_ultimate';
  protected $appVersionRequired = '5.5.2';
  protected $pkgVersion = '1.0';
  public function getPackageDescription() {
    return t("Installs the " . $this->getPackageName(). " theme.");
  public function getPackageName() {
    return t("Theme ultimate");
  public function install() {
    $pkg = parent::install();
    // Load stuff we need

So I've managed to achieve the following:
- Install my custom theme
- Install 7 custom blocks (heading_one, heading_two,etc...)
- Add 5 different page types (home,news,gallery,etc...)

So this is my first question. If I edit that controller.php file, do I have to Uninstall and Install the package to make the changes take effect?

Second question. Something I can't make it work is adding a block with some content.
In my header.php template I have
<?php $a = new GlobalArea('description'); $a->display($c); ?>

I would like to add a Content block with the text 'Add some content'
I know my code for adding a block doesn't work and I know that it makes reference to a HTML block in the Main area, but it's because I tried tried several things and now I'm completely lost.
I specially struggled getting the right value for the variable $page.

Third question is, how can I add some pages, again, using the controller.php, and assign them a page type?
Once again, I've tried several thins, read the docu, read the forum... but everything I tried didn't work at all.

Any help will be highly appreciated.

---- Summary ----
Using controller.php:
1- How to add a block to a Global Area
2- How to add some content to that added block
3- How to add pages to the template
4- How to assign a page type to the previously added pages.

Once again, thank you for helping.



RafaelGP replied on at Permalink Reply
Looks like Sample Content Generator ( add-on makes all I need and more!